

Government agencies at all levels of government face pressure to lower costs, enhance performance and show accountability to taxpayers. Agencies need visibility into their information systems in order to resolve the bottlenecks and expedite access to data to deliver actionable intelligence faster.

Icon has partnered with leading government agencies in Asia pacific to implement business intelligence application and helping them to gain quick, clear visibility into operations, programs and processes.

We offer Qlik as a business analytics tool, which leading government agencies can use to:

Reduce IT costs by empowering government agencies with a modern, easy to use decision support platform

Optimize workforce management – including staffing, accountability and resource allocation

Turn data into information that inspires understanding and reduces the manual manipulation of reports

Reduce the crime rate by analyzing the crime data – look at the big picture or drill down to particular neighborhoods

Aggregate and analyze high volumes of data from multiple, disparate sources

Search across all data coming from various government agencies and make better decisions to support the government’s mission

Icon helped a leading non-profit voluntary organisation performs detailed analysis on its funding sources using QlikView.

Case Study

Company Overview
Our customer is a non-profit non-government organization, with funding support from the Ministry of Community Development to promote volunteerism and philanthropy in its country working in partnership with the public, people and private sectors.
Their mission is to promote and develop volunteerism and philanthropy across all sectors and at all levels of society. They promote giving across different sectors including arts, community, education, health, social service, sports and youth.

Business Need
To do funding analysis and performance management for specific programs and also to measure the efficacy of various programs and events done by them on a regular basis. They also wanted to perform detailed analysis on the volunteers who work for them, their profiles, background and the voluntary areas they would like to work for.

Solution Proposed and Implemented
We proposed Qlik as a BI tool and implemented it which helped the customer to analyze historic information and recognize trends in volunteers joining their organization, their backgrounds ,interests and other key metrics to optimize resource utilization .With the application, they can also now perform financial analysis on their funding sources on each program that is run by them.

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